Simon Blouin

I am a postdoctoral fellow in astrophysics at the University of Victoria.

I use a vast array of numerical simulation techniques to build improved physics models of white dwarfs (dead stars). By comparing those models to astronomical observations, I use white dwarfs as accurate cosmic clocks, probes of planetary evolution, and tracers of supernovae. This Physics Today article is a good introduction to the kind of questions I am currently working on.

I hold a PhD in Physics from the Université de Montréal (2019). I was previously a Banting and CITA National Fellow at the University of Victoria (2021-23) and a Director's Postdoc Fellow at Los Alamos National Lab (2019-21).

You can contact me at

Some highlights of my research

Interview with Fraser Cain (Universe Today) on the halting of white dwarf cooling (see our Nature paper)


3D hydrodynamics simulation of the interior of a red giant branch star (vorticity rendering, see here for details)

My recent work on the crystallization of white dwarfs (IReNA seminar, November 2022)

2022-06-04 Star Party_Trim.mp4

Public lecture on white dwarfs (Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, May 2022)


Talk on the cool white dwarf model atmospheres that I have developed (STScI, September 2020)